Outstanding News: BPL to Receive Libraries Transforming Communities Grant

The Bristow Public Library is proud to be chosen to be part of Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities, an American Library Association initiative that provides community engagement and accessibility resources to small and rural libraries to help them better serve people with disabilities. Stay tuned for more details. https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2023/05/ala-announces-240-recipients-library-accessibility-funding-small-and-rural
Our community members within the ASD spectrum lack access to resources only found in OKC & Tulsa. The library will help fill this gap by partnering with the OK Autism Network at OU Health Sciences Center to provide resources for both people with autism and their caretakers. Additionally, grant funds will be used to improve our Senior Outreach Services at the local Rainbow Assisted Living facility.